Bitcoin: Currency or Store of Value?

The 2008 white paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” written under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, claims that Bitcoin was developed in reaction to the shortcomings of the established financial system. The main goal of Nakamoto’s project was to create a peer-to-peer digital currency that is decentralised and runs on a network without the need for middlemen like governments or banks. In addition to solving issues with the “double-spending problem,” which refers to the situation when the same digital token is spent more than once, Bitcoin seeks to facilitate safe, transparent, and international transactions.
Whatever your opinion on Bitcoin, it’s difficult to deny that it has become a huge success and that Nakamoto never could have imagined it would. For instance, the first known Bitcoin exchange for dollars occurred in late 2009, with the value of one Bitcoin set at $0.00099. Currently, the price per coin has skyrocketed to almost $35,000. If Bitcoin were a stock, its market capitalization would rank in the top 10 at $668 billion USD. We will try our best today to present objective justifications and supporting evidence for Bitcoin as a medium of exchange or store of value:
Justifications for using bitcoin as money
Bitcoin proponents emphasise that their currency has the ability to completely transform the established banking industry. In contrast to conventional banking systems or cross-border money transfers, they contend that Bitcoin transactions are quick, seamless, and offer cheap transaction fees. There is growing evidence that people adopting Bitcoin as an alternative currency are living in nations where hyperinflation is rife. Did you know that, relative to three countries suffering from hyperinflation, the price of Bitcoin recently reached an all-time high? (Nigeria, Turkey, Argentina) Considering that Bitcoin is well below its peak of $69,000 in relation to the US dollar, this is impressive.
At the moment, it is difficult to contest that Bitcoin serves primarily as a medium of exchange. Nevertheless, desperate people are turning to Bitcoin as a means of escape the financial jail that is persistent inflation in nations like Argentina, Turkey, and Nigeria. Bitcoin is not a sensible currency to use in nations like the US since the US dollar is far more stable.
Reasons to Support Bitcoin as a Valuation Store
Supporters of bitcoin contend that it functions as a store of value similar to gold. One of Bitcoin’s advantages over traditional currencies is that its supply is limited (only 21 million coins will ever be created), which prevents inflation. Additionally, proponents contend that the decentralised nature of blockchain technology and the scarcity of Bitcoin make it a trustworthy store of wealth. In 2023, Bitcoin has increased by more than 100% despite global inflation, escalating geopolitical tensions, and stock market instability. In the past, at times like the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the 2020 Covid-crash, Bitcoin has not only survived but flourished. Gold and Bitcoin, which are often regarded as the primary stores of value, have gained momentum and separated from the equities markets in recent months.
In light of the US National Debt’s approaching $50 trillion (and projected to rise owing to geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Europe), it’s difficult to argue against a substitute that is scarce and has maintained its worth since its introduction in 2009. More proof is given by the gold against bitcoin comparison chart.
The excitement surrounding the possible establishment of an ETF is just one aspect of the recent surge in Bitcoin prices. There is growing evidence that Bitcoin is more than just a trading platform; it’s also developing into a true currency and a store of value.